Стаж: 12 лет 6 месяцев

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kain_pl · 06-Дек-08 22:49(12 лет 1 месяц назад, ред. 06-Дек-08 23:55)

MagicDraw UML Enterprise v16.0 + Teamwork Server v16.0 by ZWTВерсия: 16.0
Разработчик: MagicDraw
Платформа: Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista
Совместимость с Vista: Да
Язык интерфейса: Английский + Русский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Системные требования:
minimum - PentiumTM 3, 800 MHz/768 MB/HDD400MB/800*600 @ 64k colors
recommended - PentiumTM 4, 1.4 GHz or higher/1 GB RAM or 2 GB RAM is recommended for Vista/HDD400MB or more
minimum - PentiumTM 3, 800 MHz/512 MB/HDD150 MB
recommended - PentiumTM 4, 1.4 GHz or higher/512 MB or more/HDD150 MB or moreОписание:MagicDraw является профессиональным инструментом визуального UML моделирования, а также инструментом CASE с поддержкой совместной работы. Teamwork Server - предназначен для работы группой разработчиков с одной моделью.
New features in MagicDraw version 16.0
UML support
Latest UML 2.2 specification support. MagicDraw includes the following UML 2.2 specification changes:
By default Literal Unlimited Natural is used for the Weight property in the Activity Edge element in the Activity diagram.
Changed the following multiplicity: ComponentRealization::realizingClassifier : Classifier [1] to [1..*].
Deleted the Representation role from the Information Item end of the Association between Information Item and Classifier.
Added the Start Object Behavior Action support in the Activity diagram.
Added the Result property to the following element specification dialog boxes: Clear Structural Feature Action, Remove Structural Feature Value Action, Add Structural Feature Value Action, and Structural Feature Action.
Removed association between Classifier and Classifier Template Parameter.
UML Interaction Overview diagram support. The Interaction Overview diagram focuses on the overview of the flow of control between Interactions. It is based on the Activity diagram notation.
Instance modeling improvements.
Adornments on a Link. Ability to show role names and navigability on the link symbol.
Slot type can be optionally displayed on Instance or Part shapes.
Slot can be selected in a diagram. This allows the deletion of a slot straight from the diagram and to attach a note to a slot.
Displaying specification value on the Instance Specification symbol.
Region name on a State symbol. Region name can be optionally displayed on the State symbol on a diagram.
Improved saving of stereotype information in XMI. Ability to choose options where to save applied stereotype information in XMI file. Information can be saved at the end of the file or inside the element information.
Recommended Java version
Recommended version of Java runtime is changed to 1.6.0_10 in MagicDraw 16.0.
MagicDraw Welcome screen
The Welcome screen is displayed in the MagicDraw desktop when all projects are closed. It helps to manage projects, provides quick access to the product descriptions, samples, the latest news and updates.
MagicDraw News Reader
Information about the latest MagicDraw events is accessible via the new MagicDraw News Reader. News is accessible from the MagicDraw 'Help' main menu.
Usability improvements
Hyperlinks creation from the element shortcut menu. Now hyperlinks can be created and edited straight from the element shortcut menu.
Value Specification support improvements:
Now you can create a standalone Value Specification in a model using the Browser shortcut menu.
Displaying Value Specifications in the Containment tree of the Browser.
Ability to assign Value Specifications to Tags.
Submitting a bug when application is unresponsive.
If MagicDraw becomes unresponsive, a separately executable tool is provided for analyzing the status of the process to aide in bug submission. In these situations, manually start the submitbug.exe file (located in the <MagicDraw installation directory>bin folder) and follow directions.
Dynamically change heap size within application.
The java heap size may be changed directly in the out of memory 'Error' dialog box.
Introducing invisible constraints.
A new capability to define invisible constraints has been introduced. To make a constraint invisible, apply the <<InvisibleStereotype>> stereotype to the constraint. Invisible constraints may be used while creating validation constraints, in DSL customization, or in other modeling cases.
Diagramming improvements
Changing the diagram type. The diagram type may be changed to another type of diagram if both diagram types are compatible. Note: diagram elements are not converted.
Element creation from the diagram toolbar. A new shape or path can be created by dragging it from the toolbar to the diagram (click on diagram is not necessary).
Complete coverage mode for group selection. The 'Complete coverage mode for group selection' button is added to the diagram toolbar. This mode allows the selection of exact parts of a diagram by selecting only elements that are completely covered.
Improved label layout in the diagram. The following label positions are improved for paths, relationship ends, and shapes:
Default label positions.
Label positions after using 'Reset label positions' function.
Label positions after moving a path, shape, or related element.
Centerline support for 'container' shapes; like Swimlanes or Structured Activities has been improved in the Activity diagram by fixing known bugs.
Model Merge improvements
Diagram merge improvements. It is now possible to merge diagram changes. Merged diagrams and symbols may be optionally highlighted after the merge for detailed reviewing.
Diagram difference viewer improvements.
Differences in diagrams are highlighted when opened from the Merge window.
Diagram printing from the diagram difference viewer.
Synchronized scrolling and zooming of changed corresponding diagrams from different contributors.
Improved readability of changes by grouping some low-level changes to more user-friendly ones.
The Show Auxiliary Resources button has been added at the top of the Merged Result tree to show or hide the profiles, modules with applied <<auxiliaryResources>> stereotype in the Merged Result tree (for example, UML Standard Profile).
Merge window user interface improvements:
The Merge window has been reorganized. The Change details panel is moved to another location and is now visible all the time.
Now the Specification and Change details panels can be displayed as floating windows or maximized so it is easier to analyze merged models.
Specification panel allows navigating to the referenced elements in the Merged Results tree.
Easier navigation from the original to the new location (and vice versa) for elements that have been moved.
DSL support improvements.
Model elements and their properties are displayed and merged using DSL rules, specified in MagicDraw DSL customization artifacts.
DSL improvements
Ability to group elements in the Containment tree shortcut menu, the 'New Element' command, and provides the optional 'category' in DSL customization.
Code Engineering improvements
Ability to enter rules that help to decide if an association or attribute must be created on reverse.
Sorting reversed classes according to the classpath.
Licensing information display
Information about installed or needed licenses and the status is presented in the MagicDraw About screen with the ability to remove unused licenses.
Teamwork server and SVN communication improvements
First time startup for Teamwork Server is twice as fast as previous versions.
Second time startup for Teamwork Server is five times as fast as previous versions.
Add, commit, and project opening times are twice as fast as previous versions of Teamwork server.
Export/Import to MOF.
This feature renews the MagicDraw metamodeling portfolio. MagicDraw is able to export/import the UML model into/from the MOF (both CMOF and EMOF) XMI format.
Oracle DDL improvements
Now the DDL generation is Velocity template based, thus the DDL generation can be customized.
The following Oracle support improvements are presented:
sequence, data type, grant, users, and role modeling are added;
syntax update to version 11g.
Integration with NetBeans
MagicDraw version 16.0 integrates with NetBeans 6.0 or 6.1. (NetBeans version 5.5 and older are not supported).
Integration with Mia-Studio.
Mia-Studio provides a MagicDraw plug-in for Mia-Generation. For more information see MDD Integration with Mia-Software.
Report Wizard improvements
New features and improvements in Report Wizard GUI:
Quick print.
New menu command to generate a report directly from the Tools menu.
Added new option to select any elements as the scope in a template.
New features and improvements in ODF Engine:
Added ODS/ODP bookmark support. You can use $bookmark tool to create a link to any element inside the document.
Added ODS #forpage support. You can generate multiple worksheet documents from this directive.
New features and improvements in Custom Tool:
JavaDoc Syntax Tool. A new built-in tool that provides the capability to parse the JavaDoc syntax into a report template.
New features and improvements in Web Publisher 2.0:
Added Flash multimedia player support. Any hyperlink to a multimedia file can be played directly within a generated web publisher 2.0 report.
Improved user interface and graphic library.
Automatic detection of local/server mode. Generated web page attempts to detect current web running mode between local/server. The option 'server=true' is no longer used within this release.
New features and improvements in Built-in Template:
New set of built-in templates for the Use Case-Driven approach.
New features and improvements in Core Engine:
Improved HTML document converting to RTF/ODF. Added new element support e.g. Font, Code, TT, and many more. (See Report Wizard User Guide for complete references.)
Improved HTML document conversion to ODF. Added support for native bullet and numbering.
New features and improvements in Report Wizard command line:
Added new option to specify user defined variables.
New features and improvements in Microsoft Word template editor:
New user interfaces with improved usability.
Fixed several bugs.
Check New and Noteworthy section to see the detailed description of MagicDraw UML 16.0 features.

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Стаж: 13 лет

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awacker1 · 10-Дек-08 10:26(спустя 3 дня)

Стаж: 12 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 517

kain_pl · 18-Дек-08 13:40(спустя 8 дней)

а кряк есть?
Вы состав раздачи видели? Конечно есть


Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 17

MAGNUSMM · 06-Янв-09 17:55(спустя 19 дней)

Спасибо. А для DoDAF plugin ключика нет случайно?

Стаж: 12 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 517

kain_pl · 06-Янв-09 18:14(спустя 18 мин.)

Спасибо. А для DoDAF plugin ключика нет случайно?
Отдал всё что есть ничего не припрятал
Будут новые версии или дополнительные ключи буду выкладывать


Стаж: 12 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 1

semen_semeni4 · 07-Фев-09 01:50(спустя 1 месяц)

Кто заинсталил сие чудо?скажите как? у меня пишет шо невалидный ключ


Стаж: 13 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 77

tyrotoxin · 22-Мар-09 11:31(спустя 1 месяц 15 дней)

Спасибо, всё работает!
Там же написано, читайте:
1. After installation , replace 'MagicDraw UMLlibmd_common.jar'.
2. Import license files.


Стаж: 11 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 19

Lonelind · 07-Июн-09 06:19(спустя 2 месяца 15 дней)

мммм... UML 2.2... Обязательно скачаю... Интересно другое. То, что я сделаю здесь, в Star UML потом откроется (поддержка UML 1.5, уже мертвый проект, но фриварный - у нас в универе его юзают из-за этого)?


Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 11

GUCCI MANE91 · 06-Май-10 16:04(спустя 10 месяцев)

Напишите пожалуйста подробную установку программы, а то я не могу установить)


Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 4

bangle · 12-Дек-10 16:59(спустя 7 месяцев, ред. 12-Дек-10 16:59)

а что у вас за универ? у нас про uml даже не слыхали :))
Главная»Программы и Дизайн»Веб-разработка и Программирование»Среды программирования, компиляторы и вспомогательные программы

Jan 26, 2021 OO software design can be appealing challenge with a good and inexpensive UML modeling tool. MagicDraw UML can do comprehensive UML diagramming, reverse and forward engineering for Java and C. This modelling tool can perform UML model design analysis. You can learn this UML design tool in a single day. MagicDraw 19.0 LTR Documentation An attribute is a named property of a Class that describes a range of values that can be held by the instances of that Class.

Developer(s)No Magic, Inc., a Dassault Systèmes company
Stable release
19.0 LTR SP4[1] / June 29, 2020; 7 months ago
Written inJava
Operating systemWindows Vista SP2 and later, OS X Mountain Lion and later, or Linux[2]
PlatformJava SE 8
TypeSoftware development

MagicDraw is a visual UML, SysML, BPMN, and UPDM modeling tool with team collaboration support. Designed for business analysts, software analysts, programmers, and QA engineers, this dynamic and versatile development tool facilitates analysis and design of object oriented (OO) systems and databases. It provides the code engineering mechanism (with full round-trip support for J2EE, C#, C++, CORBA IDL programming languages, .NET, XML Schema, WSDL), as well as database schema modeling, DDL generation and reverse engineering facilities.[3]



Domain specific language[edit]

The domain specific language (DSL) customization engine allows for adapting MagicDraw to a specific profile and modeling domain, thus allowing the customization of multiple GUIs, model initialization, adding semantic rules, and creating one’s own specification dialogs and smart manipulators. The ability to use multiple specific customizations helps to make MagicDraw better oriented to specific platforms, technologies or domains, and can even hide UML entirely.[4] Active validation allows the checking of domain specific models in real time and suggests help and can even fix some issues. DSL elements can be converted to any subtype or a more general type using the “Convert to” function.DSL allows custom derived properties to be created that allow extending a UML metamodel or its profile.

All DSL'ed elements can be numbered by using the generic numbering mechanism. The elements can be numbered in consecutive or multi-level style. The separator or prefix of number can be changed during the element numbering.

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Model decomposition[edit]

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Model Decomposition is a function which can split projects and other work into independent parts.

  • Lazy loading allows the specification of modules that should not be loaded into memory by default when a project is started. Module elements are only loaded as they are specifically requested.
  • Read-Write modules allow module editing of a fragmented model. It is also used during model refactoring.
  • Since MagicDraw has the ability to have flexible control over the dependencies between model parts, it is possible to continue working with the product without resolving dependencies between model parts.
  • Indexing – ability to create an index of an unloaded module. It allows using part of the elements of the module without loading it.

Template based documentation generation[edit]

Fully customizable templates can be created in the style and format preferred by the user. Reports can be exported into variety of file formats (OpenDocument (*.odt), RTF (*.rtf), Microsoft Word (*.docx), Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx), Microsoft PowerPoint (*.pptx), XML, HTML, XHTML). Reports can be personalized with characters, paragraphs, and fonts that are supported by a chosen file format. MagicDraw has the ability to import RTF documents or parts of them into reports (Import tool), to get Teamwork Project Information and upload reports to a remote location. It includes JavaScript Tool which enables report templates to evaluate or run JavaScript codes from templates and external JavaScript files. It also supports a rich set of image manipulation methods that enable image transformation during report generation.

MagicDraw supports MS Word and Open Document Format template.

Relation Map
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Dependency Matrix

Templates for SDD and UCS (Software Design Document and Use Case Specification), architectural templates: use case report, structural report, behavioral report, implementation report, environment report, Model Extension, Data Dictionary, Business Process Modeling Notation, Web publisher with collaboration ability for commenting on and editing report data through a web browser.

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Analysis facilities[edit]

The following analysis facilities are available in MagicDraw:

  • The Dependency Matrix allows visualizing relationships of a large system in a compact way. Export to .csv is also available.
  • Traceability between different levels of abstraction which makes it possible to find more specific and realizing elements, usually not from the same view. This allows for handy specification and realization discovery, and navigation. Predefined traceability suites are customizable to customers’ needs.
  • Visual model differencing allows viewing the changes made between two different versions of a model.
  • Representation of the number of class and package dependencies is automatically generated after code is reverse engineered.
  • Usage in Diagrams allows viewing the diagrams on which a particular data element was represented.

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Model refactoring[edit]


Model refactoring like code refactoring is the disciplined technique used for modifying or improving an existing model. The following refactoring functions are available in MagicDraw:

  • Element conversion
  • Relationship direction reversion
  • Diagram extraction (this function is available only for the activity and composite structure diagrams)


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MagicDraw provides transformation of UML models to specific XML Schema and DB models (generic and Oracle DDL) and vice versa, and any to any transformation.[5]

Also model-to-model transformations between the same or different meta-models can be defined and run directly in MagicDraw by using the QVT plugin. The QVT (Query/View/Transformation) is a standard defined by the Object Management Group.

Related products and plugins[edit]


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The MagicDraw Teamwork Server allows simultaneous work by multiple users on the same project, since locking information is transferred quickly between the client and the server. Real time information is provided to all users about who is working on which part of the model. MagicDraw Teamwork Server stores and allows restoration of previous versions of projects and modules. The older project can be restored as current. MagicDraw Teamwork Server integrates with LDAP servers. This integration authenticates MagicDraw users against the LDAP Server using the Simple User + Password combination or SASL authentication as well as the SSL/TLS protocol.

Cameo Business Modeler[edit]

OMG BPMN 2.0 support with all three diagrams (Process, Collaboration and Choreography), model validation and reports are available with the Cameo Business Modeler plugin



The SysML plugin supports the latest OMG SysML Specification 1.3 version. The SysML plugin supports all SysML diagrams including Requirements, Block Definition, Internal Blocks, Parametric and other diagrams.[6] Validation constraints actively check and validate user-created models against a set of constraints.SysML provides support for analysis, design, and validation of a broad range of systems and system integrations.


The UPDM plugin supports the latest OMG UPDM Specification 2.0 version. It unifies MoDAF 1.2, DoDAF 1.5 and DoDAF 2.0, NAF 3. It has support for all DoDAF and MoDAF modeling artifacts based on the DoDAF and MoDAF Architecture Frameworks, with reports, wizards, model correctness and completeness validation constraints, as well as usability features.

Cameo Simulation Toolkit[edit]

Cameo Simulation Toolkit provides the first in the industry extendable model execution framework based on OMG fUML and W3C SCXML standards. It extends MagicDraw to validate system behavior by executing, animating, and debugging UML 2.0 State machines and Activity models in the context of realistic mock-ups of the intended user interface.


  1. ^'MagicDraw'. nomagic.com. No Magic, Inc. 19.0 LTR SP4 Version News. Retrieved 2 August 2020.
  2. ^'MagicDraw'. No Magic, Inc. System requirements. Retrieved 2 August 2020.
  3. ^Java and Mac OS X By T. Gene Davis
  4. ^http://blog.efftinge.de/2008/03/dsl-development-with-magicdraw.html
  5. ^http://www.model2code.com/magicdraw.html
  6. ^'OMG Systems Modeling Language'. Object Management Group. Retrieved 2011-04-02.

External links[edit]

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MagicDraw&oldid=998197020'