Plots Maker
Box-and-Whisker Plot Maker Our simple box plot maker allows you to generate a box-and-whisker graph from your dataset and save an image of your chart. To use this tool, enter the y-axis title (optional) and input the dataset with the numbers separated by commas, line breaks, or spaces (e.g., 5,1,11,2 or 5 1 11 2) for every group. Plot Generator 1 million plot combinations to inspire you. Generate a random plot for your genre. Simply pick between fantasy, romance, sci-fi, mystery, or drama — and click the button below to get started.

Romance Plot Generator
Enter The Data
Customize The Chart
Save & Share
Live Preview
Preview how the chart look like in real time
Customization options
Tons of customization options ( Colors, Margins, Texts, Legend, Fonts, Gradients .... )
Chart templates
Make beautiful data visualizations with more than 50 chart Templates
LiveGap Charts is a free website where teachers can create and share all kinds of charts: line, bar, area, pie, radar, icon matrix, and more. Start with a template and then edit the data in the spreadsheet (or copy it from your own spreadsheet). From there, there are tons of customization options. When finished, save the chart as an image or HTML, or create an account to save and share it online.
Thank you to Omar Sedki, for the nudge towards to make simple, but superb, online graphs, with a live preview as you change data. Create a line chart, bar chart, or radar chart, and then edit it in real time.
When you or your students just need to quickly generate a chart to use in a slide or share in a blog post. LiveGap Charts Builder will let you and your students quickly generate charts from simple data sets.
The timeline demonstrates any processes of the world’s history. It provides you with possibility to compare, put together, collate and analyze any data. Using our service, you can open the history many times, see new cause-and-effect relations and quickly understand the development process of a civilization or a state.
The timeline will help to quickly and easily carry out planning your business processes and projects, analyze you enterprise’s capabilities and make correct predictions. This is an indispensable tool for those purposes where you need to plan projects accurately and meet high standards of work. Also service allows you to create and share Gantt charts online and use it for project management. Ease to start. No need to use templates.
Plot Maker Story
With the help of the timeline, you can keep track of your personal achievements and results. Your historical events will help you understand what is happening in your life, where you are going and at what speed you accomplish identified goals. You simply enter all the data in it every day. And there will be an understandable visually appealing map of events and trends of your life spread out before you. Note the desired goals and events in the future to know exactly where you are at present time and where you are going along your life journey.