I no longer had any feeling other than the dark terror of the condemned tied to the mouth of a cannon, at the moment when the shot is fired and scatters their limbs into the air.”. I no longer had any feeling other than the dark terror of the condemned tied to the mouth of a cannon, at the moment when the shot is fired and scatters their limbs into the air.”.

(Redirected from War on terror)
What these neoconservatives seek is to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel. They want the peace of the sword imposed on Islam and American soldiers to die if necessary to impose it. ~ Pat Buchanan
This War on Terror myth is cover for criminal wars of conquest. ~ Mark Taliano
This war on terrorism is going to take a while. ~ George W. Bush

The War on Terror, also known as the Global War on Terrorism, is an international military campaign launched by the United States government after the September 11 attacks.


  • The so called war against terrorism is in fact a war between two fanaticisms. One is theocratic, the other positivist and secular. One is the fervent belief of a defensive minority, the other the unquestioned assumption of an amorphous, confident elite. One sets out to kill, the other plunders, leaves and lets die. One is strict and the other lax. One brooks no argument, the other 'communicates and tries to spin into every corner of the world. One claims the right to spill innocent blood, the other to sell the earth's entire water.
Outrageous to compare them.
  • John Berger, 'Hold Everything Dear: Dispatches on Survival and Resistance', Verso.
  • For whose benefit these endless wars in a region that holds nothing vital to America, - save oil, which the Arabs must sell us to survive - ? Who would benefit from a war of civilizations between the West and Islam? Answer: one nation, one leader, one party. Israel, Sharon, Likud. What these neoconservatives seek is to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel. They want the peace of the sword imposed on Islam and American soldiers to die if necessary to impose it.
    • Pat Buchanan, 'Whose War? The Loudest Clique Behind the President's Policy' The American Conservative, (March 24, 2003)
  • Our war on terror begins with al-Qaeda, but it does not end there. t will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.
    • George W. BushAddress to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People (20 September 2001)
  • Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
    • George W. BushAddress to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People (20 September 2001)
  • This crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while.
    • George W. Bush, as quoted in 'Kenneth R. Bazinet, 'A Fight Vs. Evil, Bush And Cabinet Tell U.S.'. Daily News (New York). 17 September 2001.
  • What we have found in Afghanistan confirms that, far from ending there, our war against terror is only beginning... tens of thousands of trained terrorists are still at large. These enemies view the entire world as a battlefield, and we must pursue them wherever they are. So long as training camps operate, so long as nations harbor terrorists, freedom is at risk. And America and our allies must not, and will not, allow it....Our military has put the terror training camps of Afghanistan out of business, yet camps still exist in at least a dozen countries. A terrorist underworld — including groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Jaish-i-Mohammed — operates in remote jungles and deserts, and hides in the centers of large cities....But some governments will be timid in the face of terror. And make no mistake about it: If they do not act, America will.
    • George W. Bush, State of the Union Address (29 January 2002)
  • The recent arrests that our fellow citizens are now learning about are a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to — to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation.... The — this country is safer than it was prior to 9/11. We've taken a lot of measures to protect the American people. But obviously we're still not completely safe, because there are people that still plot and people who want to harm us for what we believe in. It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America.
    • George W. Bush, on a British airline bombing plot (10 August 2006)
  • The war we fight today is more than a military conflict; it is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century. On one side are those who believe in the values of freedom and moderation – the right of all people to speak, and worship, and live in liberty. And on the other side are those driven by the values of tyranny and extremism; the right of a self-appointed few to impose their fanatical views on all the rest. As veterans, you have seen this kind of enemy before. They're successors to Fascists, to Nazis, to Communists, and other totalitarians of the 20th century. And history shows what the outcome will be: This war will be difficult; this war will be long; and this war will end in the defeat of the terrorists and totalitarians, and a victory for the cause of freedom and liberty.
    • George W. Bush, at the American Legion National Convention in Salt Lake City, UT (31 August 2006)
  • In order to win this war, we need to understand that the terrorists and extremists are opportunists. They will grab onto any cause to incite hatred and to justify the killing of innocent men, women and children. If we weren't in Iraq, they would be using our relationship and friendship with Israel as a reason to recruit, or the Crusades, or cartoons as a reason to commit murder. They recruit based upon lies and excuses. And they murder because of their raw desire for power. They hope to impose their dominion over the broader Middle East and establish a radical Islamic empire where millions are ruled according to their hateful ideology. We know this because al-Qaeda has told us. The terrorist Zawahiri, number two man in the al-Qaeda team, al-Qaeda network, he said, we'll proceed with several incremental goals. The first stage is to expel the Americans from Iraq; the second stage is to establish an Islamic authority, then develop it and support it until it achieves the level of caliphate; the third stage, extend the jihad wave to secular countries neighboring Iraq; and the fourth stage, the clash with Israel. This is the words of the enemy. The President of the United States and the Congress must listen carefully to what the enemy says in order to be able to protect you. It makes sense for us to take their words seriously if our most important job is the security of the United States. Mister Zawahiri has laid out their plan. That's why they attacked us on September the 11th. That's why they fight us in Iraq today. And that is why they must be defeated.
    • George W. Bush, remarks at Bob Riley for Governor Luncheon in Alabama (28 September 2006), as quoted in 'FLASHBACK 2006: Media Elites Slam Bush For Predicting Rise Of Islamic Caliphate In Iraq' (24 May 2016), The Daily Caller
  • There are some Arabs who think that the Germans did the right thing by the Jews. This makes it easy to recruit Arab terrorist.
    • John le Carré, interview with Ramona Koval. The Book Show, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National. (19 November 2008)
  • There is a big difference between fighting the cold war and fighting radical Islam. The rules have changed and we haven't.
    • John le Carré, interview with Ramona Koval. The Book Show, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National. (19 November 2008)
  • We were not faced (in the cold war) in a conflict with people who are prepared to die for their cause. We weren't in conflict with people whose idea is to kill as many as they could.
    • John le Carré, interview with Ramona Koval. The Book Show, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National. (19 November 2008)
  • In the war on terror we did everything wrong that we could have done.
    • John le Carré, interview with Ramona Koval. The Book Show, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National. (19 November 2008)
  • You can't make war against terror. Terror is a technique of battle. It's a tactic that has been employed since time immemorial. You can conduct clandestine action against terrorists, and that must be done.
    • John le Carré, interview with Ramona Koval. The Book Show, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National. (19 November 2008)
  • To operate an intelligence network against the Islamist terror is terribly difficult because they don't have a central command and control center such as we would understand. Therefore you cannot penetrate at the top and find out what will happen on the ground.
    • John le Carré, interview with Ramona Koval. The Book Show, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National. (19 November 2008)
  • Because we are so unfamiliar with the motivation of the people we are dealing with, we are more afraid of them than we need to be.
    • John le Carré, interview with Ramona Koval. The Book Show, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National. (19 November 2008)
  • On one hand we go like hell for every terror cell we can find, we penetrate it, we destroy it. On the other hand, there is a much bigger need for a political solution.
    • John le Carré, interview with Ramona Koval. The Book Show, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National. (19 November 2008)
  • Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism.
    • Noam Chomsky in 9/11 (2001).
  • You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It's like having a war on jealousy.
    • David Cross, on his comedy album Shut Up You Fucking Baby! (2002).
  • We must abandon the unworkable notion that it is morally reprehensible for some countries to pursue weapons of mass destruction yet morally acceptable for others to rely on them for security — and indeed to continue to refine their capacities and postulate plans for their use.
    Similarly, we must abandon the traditional approach of defining security in terms of boundaries — city walls, border patrols, racial and religious groupings. The global community has become irreversibly interdependent, with the constant movement of people, ideas, goods and resources. In such a world, we must combat terrorism with an infectious security culture that crosses borders — an inclusive approach to security based on solidarity and the value of human life. In such a world, weapons of mass destruction have no place.
    • Mohamed ElBaradei, Saving Ourselves From Self-Destruction (2004), Op-Ed essay published in The New York Times (12 February 2004).
  • Al Qaeda has failed in its goals. The United States has succeeded, not so much in winning the war as in preventing the Islamists from winning, and, from a geopolitical perspective, that is good enough.
    • George Friedman, The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century, p. 31
  • Ludicrous concepts…like the whole idea of a 'war on terrorism'. You can wage war against another country, or on a national group within your own country, but you can't wage war on an abstract noun. How do you know when you've won? When you've got it removed from the Oxford English Dictionary?
    • Terry JonesThe Observer, February 23, 2003.
  • You know, terror is an idea. You don’t fight an idea with a conventional Army. To win a war on terror you have to win the hearts and minds of people from whom, from where the terrorists are operating from. If you win their hearts and mind and get them on your side, you’ll win the war. If those people start regarding the terrorists as freedom fighters, history has told us that you can’t win the war.
    • Imran Khan interview with Andrew Denton, Enough Rope, ABC Television, 13 October 2008
  • I’ll give you an example of (George Bush's) war on terror. He’s spent something like almost a trillion dollars. The estimates are that anything up to a million people have died and has he made the world a safer place? In my opinion he’s made the world a far more dangerous place. These are now nurseries for future terrorists.
    • Imran Khan interview with Andrew Denton, Enough Rope, ABC Television, 13 October 2008

  • In addition to economic and military mobilization, wartime measures typically encourage a high degree of political, social and intellectual conformity. The general idea is that, in the face of an existential challenge from a vicious enemy, criticism of the government ought to cease. The media tends to become more patriotic, as do former political partisans. Such was the case in the United States during the early stages of its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, when most journalists and even Democratic politicians rallied around the RepublicanGeorge W. Bush administration.
    • Pankaj Mishra, From Modi to Johnson, leaders are using the pandemic to suppress their critics (9 May, 2020), ThePrint
  • Conflicts do not arise out of the blue. The occur as a result of causes and conditions, many of which are within the antagonists’ control. This is where leadership is important. Terrorism cannot be overcome by the use of force because it does not address the underlying problems. In fact the use of force may not only fail to solve the problems, it may exacerbate them, and frequently leaves destruction and suffering in its wake.
    • Dalai Lama in his “Commemoration of the First Anniversary of September 11, 2001
  • In tracking down and eliminating terrorists, we need to change our metaphor from a 'war on terror'—exactly what, pray tell, is that?—to the mind-set of Interpol tracking down master criminals through intense global cooperation among nations, or the FBI stalking the Mafia, or local police determined to quell street gangs without leveling the entire neighborhood in the process.
    • Bill Moyers, 'The Meaning of Freedom', Sol Feinstone Lecture at the United States Military Academy, 15 November 2006, Moyers on Democracy (2008), p. 78

Terrorblade Quotes

  • As we do, we must also reaffirm that the United States is not—and never will be—at war with Islam. I've made clear, just as President Bush did shortly after 9/11, that our war is not against Islam. Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was mass murderer of Muslims. Indeed, al-Qaeda has slaughtered scores of Muslims in many countries, including our own. So his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity.
    • Barack Obama, Remarks of Barack Obama on the death of Osama bin Laden - Whitehouse transcript and video (1 May 2011)
  • We are bombarded with information about our alert status and we're told to report suspicious-looking characters. That primes people to be more paranoid.
    • David Penn, 'Are they out to get you? Paranoia on the rise'. NBC News. 2008-12-11.
  • We found that, contrary to what most Americans believe, the war on terror is not winding down—it has spread to more than 40 percent of the world’s countries. The war isn’t being waged by the military alone, which has spent $1.9 trillion fighting terrorism since 2001. The State Department has spent $127 billion in the last 17 years to train police, military and border patrol agents in many countries and to develop antiterrorism education programs, among other activities.
    • Stephanie Savell and 5W Infographics, 'This Map Shows Where in the World the U.S. Military Is Combatting Terrorism', Smithsonian Magazine (January 2019).
  • Since the start of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), the suicide rate for military personnel who have seen combat has increased to that of the general population (Kang & Bullman, 2008), and perhaps beyond. This alarming increase suggests that exposure to combat may be an important factor that may cause or at least contribute to later death by suicide. At the same time, military service appears to have some qualities that lower suicide risk in times of peace, with deaths by suicide during basic training being as low as 5 deaths for every 100,000 military recruits (Scoville, Gardner, & Potter, 2004). Thus, the relationship between military service and suicidal behavior appears to be quite complex, serving as a risk factor for some and a protective factor for others.
    Unfortunately, research on the mechanisms through which military service influences suicide risk one way or the other is sparse. Employing new theoretical approaches to suicide may shed light on the recent alarming elevation in suicide rate, and aid military health professionals in providing efficient, economical, and effective assessments and treatment for suicidality.
    • Edward A. Selby, Michael D. Anestis, Theodore W. Bender, Jessica D. Ribeiro, Matthew K. Nock, M. David Rudd, Craig J. Bryan, Ingrid C. Lim, Monty T. Baker, Peter M. Gutierrez, and Thomas E. Joiner, Jr.; “Overcoming the Fear of Lethal Injury: Evaluating Suicidal Behavior in the Military through the Lens of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide”, Clin Psychol Rev, 2010 Apr; 30(3): 298–307.
  • President Bush has consistently argued that Iraq is the central front in the War on Terror. Al Qaeda leaders describe it the same way, which is why they are trying to use murder and mayhem to provoke sectarian violence, foment chaos, and create a safe haven for terror. Defeating al Qaeda has been central to our new strategy in Iraq from day one and will continue to be.
    • White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, 'Setting the Record Straight: Targeting Al Qaeda'. The White House. July 25, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-07-25.
  • The public is led to believe that never-ending criminal wars and vast outflows of public monies to the military industrial complex are normal and necessary. Similarly, publicly bailed-out, predatory, diseconomies are presented as the only viable economic models.... The public needs to understand that this War on Terror myth is cover for criminal wars of conquest. Our governments and their agencies support the terrorists. Pretending that the West is fighting ISIS and other terrorists (i.e al Qaeda) prolongs the suffering of its victims, past, present, and future. It is not a war against ISIS. It never was. The West and its allies support all of the terrorists in Syria, (and beyond), including ISIS.
    If the public can be disabused of the “War on Terrorism” myth, then it will be ready for mass social unrest and mobilizations for fundamental reforms. Incremental reforms only bolster Establishment positions by providing illusions of democratic policymaking.
    • Mark Taliano, “The War on Terrorism” is “Fake”: On the Need for Mass Social Mobilizations and Transformative Changes, Global Research, (21 December 2018).
  • All actions have consequences, and all nations, like individuals are ultimately held accountable for their actions. I felt that waging war in Iraq would have the consequence of harming America, not making it safer, both in the short and long term.
    • Ann Wright, Peace and Policy, vol. 9, Journal of Toda Institute, www.toda.org .

See also[edit]

In fiction[edit]

  • Star Trek: Enterprise was the first Trek series to appear after 9/11, and reflected these new realities. The prequel series crew stumbled as they confronted all manner of unfamiliar civilizations, and did not even get along with the Vulcans very well. Then, in season three a 9/11-style attack on Earth forced Starfleet to launch an expedition to go after the shadowy Xindi, who had launched the strike. Making the Xindi potentially scary was the consortium nature of their alliance, including humanoid, arboreal, insectoid and aquatic species. Just as al Qaeda was an international terrorist consortium, the Xindi was more dangerous together than separately — a fact the Enterprise crew use to pry away some of the species from the organization.
    • Joel R. Campbell, “Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica: Understanding Politics and International Relations', (September 14, 2017).
  • Enterprise, fatally, was not a popular series, even though it lasted four seasons. Just as it was winding down came a much more robust SF response to the post-9/11 world in the form of the rebooted Battlestar Galactica. Shedding the disco era look of the original series, this was a much grittier, murky series.
    The Cylons were not relentless robots, but genetically engineered and emotional humanoids with their own religion (monotheists vs the terran polytheists). The series addressed myriad topics raised by the Global War on Terror and the Iraq War: torture of suspected terrorists, profiling of terrorist-prone groups, curbs on democratic freedoms, enhanced executive powers for national security imperatives, and discrimination based on security fears. The season arc containing the Cylon occupation of the terran New Caprica colony was a parable of the Iraq War, involving common elements of Bush’s conflict: insurgency, foreign occupation/suppression, collaboration with occupiers, and even suicide bombers.
    • Joel R. Campbell, “Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica: Understanding Politics and International Relations', (September 14, 2017).
  • Huey squeals to the Feds’ terrorism hotline -
Huey: Why do you keep hanging up on me? I’m telling you the truth!
The CIA trained Osama Bin Laden in using terrorism against the soviets during the Reagan-Bush administration they gave the Afghanistan rebels countless amounts of covert funding!
FBI: Don’t you have better things to be doing?
Huey: Better than fighting terrorism? Heck no! We’re at war!!
  • Aaron McGruder, The Boondocks, (10/5/2001)
  • Huey helps the FBI wage war on terrorism
Huey: Wait, before you hang up. I have one more important tip!
G.W. Bush gave the Taliban government $4.3 million this May! This May!! How much of that money will be spent on weaponry that will be used against U.S. soldiers?
FBI: Wow – I didn’t know that …
Huey: He lives at 1600 Pennsylvania – hey, are you writing this down? And I suggest bringing really tight handcuffs.
  • Aaron McGruder, The Boondocks, (10/8/2001)
  • Editor’s Note
    Despite the tremendous reader response to “The Adventures of Flagee and Ribbon,” we have decided to bring back “The Boondocks” on a probationary basis. However, should material be deemed inappropriate, we are prepared to bring back “Flagee and Ribbon” at a moment’s notice.
    United We Stand.
Huey: Mr. Petto, how come nobody is talking about the ways that Bush’s big-oil compadres will benefit from this “war on terrorism”?
Ribbon: Hey, flagee, can we sing “the star-spangled banner” again?
TerrorFlagee: Of course, Ribbon. It’s our national anthem!
  • Aaron McGruder, The Boondocks, (12/22/2001)

External links[edit]

Wikipedia has an article about:
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Terrorism Quotes:-Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people; or fear to achieve a religious or political aim.

It is used in this regard primarily to refer to violence during peacetime or in the context of the war against non-combatants.

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old terrorism quotes, terrorism sayings, and terrorism proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Inspirational Terrorism Quotes And Sayings

“Terrorism has no religion, terrorists have no religion and they are friends of no religion.”-Manmohan Singh

“Terrorism is the use of indiscriminate violence for political ends. It has a logic, even if it is one we mostly do not care to understand.”-Jonathan Cook

“Terrorism is what we call the violence of the weak, and we condemn it; war is what we call the violence of the strong, and we glorify it.”-Sydney J. Harris

“Terrorism will never cease in a country where the so-called leaders are criminals and terrorists in disguise.”-Michael Bassey Johnson

“Terrorism can go anywhere where there is not a strong government or government that cannot control its hinterlands.”-Robert D. Kaplan

“We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them.”-George W. Bush

“Terrorism is the intentional use of, or threat to use violence against civilians or against civilian targets, in order to attain political aims.”-Boaz Ganor

“Terrorism is always one bad day away from being issue No. 1.”-John Avlon

“Terrorism against our nation will not stand.”-George W Bush

“Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint.”-Christopher Hitchens

“Terrorism has no religion is a theory, and the religion of terrorism is a real threat and practical thing.”-Satyendra Singh ‘Shyamal

“Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a face.”-Jacques Chirac

“Any terrorism is an attack on libertarian values.”-P.J. O’Rourke

Terrorism Quotes and Terrorism Sayings

“Terrorism, like viruses, is everywhere. There is global perfusion of terrorism, which accompanies any system of domination as though it were its shadow, ready to activate itself anywhere, like a double agent.”-Jean Baudrillard

“Terrorism is the preferred weapon of weak and evil men.”-Ronald Reagan

“Terrorism works better as a tactic for dictatorships, or for would-be dictators, than for revolutionaries.”-Christopher Hitchens

“Terrorism is just a whole other level of anger management issues.”-Thisuri Wanniarachchi

“It terrorism happened because intelligence, leadership and police failures made it possible.”-Ashraf Ghani

“The terrorism is not in the bombs, in your hands; the terrorism is in your unconscious.”-Rajneesh

“Terrorism grows when there are no other options, and when the center of the global economy is the god of money and not the person men and women this is already the first terrorism!”-Pope Francis

“Terrorism is psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in society.”-Patrick J. Kennedy

“What distinguishes terrorism is the willful and calculated choice of innocents as targets.”-Benjamin Netanyahu

“Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it.”-Noam Chomsky

Famous Terrorism Quotes and Sayings

Reign Of Terror Quotes

“Terrorism is a significant threat to peace and security, prosperity and people.”-Ban Ki-moon

“If you want to end terrorism, you have to stop being terrorists”-Howard Zinn

“Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.”-Peter Ustinov

“Terrorism is global and can come from even remote countries.”-Narendra Modi

“Terrorism must be outlawed by all civilized nations, not explained or rationalized, but fought and eradicated. Nothing can, nothing will justify the murder of innocent people and helpless children.”-Elie Wiesel

“The terrible thing about terrorism is that ultimately it destroys those who practice it. Slowly but surely, as they try to extinguish life in others, the light within them dies.”-Terry Waite

“Terrorism has no nationality or religion.”-Vladimir Putin