What are the key themes in Tsotsi? A theme is an important idea or concept underlying the action and all the other elements of a literary work. Writers often use important issues from their own society (e.g. Love, hate, greed, poverty) as themes in their writing. A text may contain several themes and these may not be explicit or obvious. Tsotsi starts to ask questions about God to Boston and Boston notices a change in Tsotsi. Before Boston left, Tsotsi offered him some sour milk and bread. Chapter 12: Tsotsi goes to the church to seek redemption and forgiveness from God for all the sins he has committed. After, Tsotsi returns to the ruins where Miriam is feeding the baby.

  1. Tsotsi Contextual Questions
  2. Tsotsi Questions And Answers
Level 2 English: Visual Text essay for Tsotsi Describe important visual or aural symbol(s) in a visual text you have studied and analyse how the symbol(s) helped develop ideas in the text.In the film Tsotsi directed by Gavin Hood there were many important symbols. The film is about a young man, Tsotsi (a nickname which means thug) who lives a life of crime in Johannesburg, South Africa. The film is set in post-apartheid South Africa and shows a few days which change the life of the main character. The film helps us to understand the struggles that blacks face today years after their mistreatment under apartheid. Symbols such as dice, light and journeys are used in this film to develop the ideas of luck and chance, hope and the…show more content…
The physical journeys Tsotsi makes in the film develop the idea of an internal , symbolic journey. We are shown many long shots of Tsotsi walking alone or running. The shot of him walking on the train tracks at night, with slow haunting instrumental music is used several times to symbolise his inner journey. Tsotsi seems to be considering what he has done. Slowly we see him change from a violent, angry young man who only thinks of himself to a man who begins to have empathy for others. His love for the baby and realisation of the pain his parents must feel at their loss leads him to decide to return it. His final physical journey is through his township, the wasteland, the train station and finally out to the wealthy suburbs to give the child back. It is reversal of his original journey to steal the car. In giving away something that has become precious to him, he gains his soul. The audience also makes the journey with Tsotsi. At the beginning we see him as a cold, hard criminal and feel horrified by his actions. However as the film progresses, the director makes him more likeable by introducing some comic scenes and using flashbacks so we understand his difficult childhood and we begin to sympathise with him. By the end he has become a decent human being.In addition to all the visual symbols, aural symbols such as aggressive Kwaito (gangsta


– Identify why Tsotsi is silent for most of the chapter and how this contributes to the atmosphere.

– Compare the four gang members and describe what their niche is within the group.


– Explain why Boston asks Tsotsi Questions.

– Identify what Tsotsi’s reaction to Boston’s questions reveals about his character.


– Assess the significance of Tsotsi’s three rules.

– What is Tsotsi trying to run from throughout the Chapter? Select a character trait this reveals about him.


– Explain why Tsotsi waits for the store to be empty before buying milk. Discuss what internal conflict he is facing.

– Discuss the significance of Tsotsi caring for the baby.


– Compare Tsotsi making the “kill decisions” at the beginning of the book in chapter one to now. What has changed and how does this reveal his overall change of character?

– Identify how the dynamic of the group has changed.


– Describe what connection Tsotsi makes with Morris and identify how that influences his view of Morris.

– Identify the atmosphere and explain how it develops Tsotsi’s internal conflict.


– Compare Tsotsi’s feelings towards Morris to his feelings towards Gumboot who he stalked only twenty-four hours earlier.

– Explain the role of the motif of light and dark throughout the time Tsotsi stalks Morris.


– When Tsotsi first sees the baby he wants to run away but instead “he took a deep breath, held it in, and went to work”. Analyse the significance of this and what it reveals about his change in character.

– Assess what internal conflict Miriam is faced with. Discuss why this is significant and how it effects her first confrontation with Tsotsi and the baby.

– Discuss what is Fugard foreshadowing by giving the description of the church.


– Analyse why Tsotsi would “have no use for memories” and, in a relatively short period of time after losing his mother make the choice to become a Tsotsi.

– Assess the impact of watching his father cripple and kill the dog in front of him as a child.


Tsotsi questions and answers chapter 1Contextual

– Describe the significance of Tsotsi “ending it” and how this reinforces the theme of redemption and how it is a step towards Tsotsi becoming redeemed.


– Explain the significance of Tsotsi telling Miriam the baby’s name is David. What does this reveal about Tsotsi’s character?

– Assess why Tsotsi doesn’t want to give David to Miriam.

– Explain why Tsotsi races to the pipes and reflect on how we all may have a moment of realization when we see something from our past, just as Tsotsi has once he arrives at the pipes.


Tsotsi Contextual Questions

– Differentiate Tsotsi’s feelings towards Boston and his questions at the beginning of the book to now. Describe how this affects both Boston and Tsotsi’s character and their relationship.

– What does god mean to Tsotsi? Describe how the concept of god would be so new to him and how it may help him become redeemed.

Tsotsi Questions And Answers


– Interpret what Boston means by “we are all sick of life” and how, even in present day, this effects South Africans.


– Tsotsi’s relationship with Miriam starts aggressively but over the course of the book he comes to appreciate her. Although he never says thank you to Miriam, in what way does their relationship change to let us know she is appreciated.

– Identify what Miriam indirectly teaches Tsotsi about life? Identify the belief she leaves him with?

– Explain the significance of Tsotsi calling himself David Mondo. How has he been redeemed?