Question 3.4 seeks to know what change is this initiative intended to achieve and for whom and What results/ impact will this project have on the ground

  1. Karlan notes that the lofty expectations villagers had for the NGO also compounded the disappointing results; had villagers been less eager to trade their existing services for the new ones created by the NGO, there would have been less crowding-out, and so the NGO’s underwhelming performance would have been less painful.
  2. This year’s results are colored by two major national news events—the COVID-19 pandemic and the nationwide protests over law enforcement abuse and racial justice reforms—that likely influenced the mixed participation we received from both NGOs and foundations.

It is important to list out the results to ensure that the project creates the desired impact.

Results are positive experiences benefited by the beneficiaries after the implementation of the project activities. When you think of change that will happen due to the execution of the project, you can easily list out the results.

For example, in our “Improving the Rights of Women for their Better Participation in Social, Economic and Political Systems” project, the results can be as follows:

NgotsResults NgoResults

The impact is the long-term result that came about because of the activities undertaken in the project. For the above example, the impact of the project might be that one year later, the whole community is aware of human rights issues and in the next election the community largely voted against a leader with a history of human rights violations. Use results to know if you are on the right track. Since most meaningful results are hard to reach, we either need stretch goals or a flexible timeline. Measuring progress, using different indicators, learning, and adapting are key to achieve results.

Results Ngo Jobs

Results Ngo

Renaissance Ngoumou Results

Horse racing results ngong

Results Ngo Results

  • “Better protection of women’s rights through the effective enforcement of existing laws and policies on gender equality and empowerment of women.
  • Greater understanding and awareness of women about their rights and assertion of their rights and how to access public services and public information
  • Improved access to and availability of healthcare and education services for women including the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS and vocational trainings to generate livelihood.
  • Increased capacity of women leaders and women’s local and grassroots networks to participate in political processes and gain better understanding of policies and legislations.”