Results Gtu
- Results Turkish Super League
- Gtu Result 2019
- Gtu Time Table
- Results Turkey Trot 2021
- Gtu Results By Name
GTU Exam Results - Degree Engineering (B.E.) Result staitistics are based on GTU results available to us. Latest updates may not be reflected here. Official website for Result is GTU Open Source Technologies Club organizes 'Open Source Summer Camp' from 16th to 19th June 2016 at GTU,Block No.6.Please register online on or before 13th June 2016 Webinar on Leadership in international Information Technology projects - cross - cultural considerations for Japan and India by Dr Pooja Sardeshmukh Rakuten Inc, Japan Thu, Jun 9.
GTU Results 2020-2021 Winter Exam for BE, ME, MBA, MCA, M.Sc., D.Pharm, B.Pharm, Diploma Engineering etc available at
Gujarat Technological University will soon declare the GTU Winter Results 2020 on their official website for BE, ME, MBA, MCA, M.Sc., D.Pharm, B.Pharm, Diploma Engineering etc courses. The winter exam was conducted in the month of May 2020 and June 2020 for all the courses offered by the University. The students will be able to check their result from the given link here.
Update (06-01-2021): GTU has declared the results of Winter exam for many courses. The students can check their result from the direct link given below.
The Gujarat Technological University was established in 2007, which is commonly referred to as GTU. It is one of the famous universities in the Gujarat State affiliating many engineering, pharmacy, and management colleges. The state government of Gujarat formulated GTU to ensure more efficient, and systematic imparting of technical education. Earlier, Gujarat University was the main university of Gujarat State heading all colleges including technical colleges like engineering and pharmacy colleges.

GTU Results 2021
Every year a large number of students appeared in the exams conducted by the GTU and get the degree from the University for Various Courses handled by the GTU. A large number of students have appeared in the written exam of 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th,5th 6th-semester papers for Diploma, Engineering, BE, B.Pharm, MBA, ME, M.Sc, CPD, D.Pharm, PDDC, Ph.D., MAM, MTM, MPM etc courses. As the exam was successfully conducted on various examination centres allocated by the GTU, all the students are waiting for the GTU Winter Results 2020.
GTU Results 2020 for BE, ME, MBA, MCA, M.Sc., D.Pharm, B.Pharm, Diploma Engineering
As of now, authority members of GTU are busy in checking the papers for all the semester conducted during the winter session. So it will take some time to prepare the results of all the candidates, who appeared in the written exam. Generally, GTU will start declaring results of most of the courses after a few days of the examination. The students are advised to keep patient about their GTU EVEN Sem Results 2020, as it will be soon available on the official portal.
The GTU conducts EVEN Semester examination (Summer Session) during the month April/May and declares the GTU EVEN Sem Results in the month of June, while ODD Semester examination (Winter Session) during the month Nov/Dec and declares the GTU ODD Sem Results in the month of January.
Results Turkish Super League
How to Check GTU Winter Results 2021?

The students can check their GTU Results 2020 for winter session by following simple steps and the direct link to the result page given here. Students should keep ready their hall ticket to check their results online

- Visit the official website of GTU i.e.
- Now click on ‘Result’ link from the top menu on the homepage.
- Find GTU Winter 2020 Result link and click on it.
- Select your exam and enter your Enroll no. or Seat no. and click on the Search button.
- The GTU Results will be displayed on your screen.
- Download your GTU Result and take a print of it.
Gtu Result 2019
Official Website:
GTU CCC Result
Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad has started CCC exam result Verification to verify your results. Aspirants who are searching for results Verification can check it via online from the official website at or
Gtu Time Table
How to check GTU CCC Result Verification??
- All Applicant Visit official website
- Click on the ‘Result Verification’ link.
- Now enter your application number and code.
- You will get your result details.
- Download and take a print out of that.
Results Turkey Trot 2021
Visit the official website
Gtu Results By Name
लेटेस्ट न्यूज़ – GTU CCC परीक्षा परिणाम वेरिफिकेशन की लिंक डिपार्टमेंट की और से बंध कर दी गई है. अगर आपको आपका परिणाम वेरीफाई करवाना हो तो आप खुद GTU ऑफिस जाके वहा से वेरिफिकेशन सर्टिफिकेट ले सकते है. यह साईट पुनः कार्यरत होने की संभावना नहीं है.