2 Spot Spider Mite
Two-spotted spider mites are difficult to control. They’re a pest to more than 150 different plant species. You can avoid spider mite encounters with these tips from your local, licensed Davey tree service professional.
The two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae or “TSSM”) is one of the most common and damaging ones. This very small (1/100 – 1/50 inches / 0.3 – 0.5mm) yellow/green pest with large dark spots on each side of their body can cause significant yield loss. The two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) is the most common of all plant pest mites and has been reported on more than 200 plant species. They are mites and not insects. Not only do insecticidal soaps work on pesky insects, they also kill spider mites. Photo Credit: ©2003 Buglady Consulting.

When twospotted spider mites remove the sap, the mesophyll tissue collapses and a small chlorotic spot forms at each feeding site. It is estimated that 18 to 22 cells are destroyed per minute. Continued feeding causes a stippled-bleached effect and later, the leaves turn yellow, gray or bronze. Two female two-spotted spider mites with egg (Giles San Martin) CC BY-SA 2.0 Two-spotted spider mites ( Tetranychus urticae ) can become a serious threat to your citrus and other fruit trees, most vegetables, and many ornamentals, such as marigolds, roses, and salvia. The Two-spotted Spider Mite The twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae is a serious pest of a variety of agricultural crops and ornamental plants. This mite has been recorded to feed on more than 180 different plant species in both greenhouse and outdoor environments.

Summer weather is the ultimate casting call for this tree and landscape pest, as two-spotted spider mites are particularly difficult to control during hot, dry periods. They’re tiny and easy to overlook—and they reproduce at record-breaking rates. A new adult female produces nearly 100 eggs!
As with any tree and landscape pest, monitoring is critical. Check your plants for signs of spider mite activity. Look for a white-flecked, stippled appearance and leaf drop. Sometimes fine, silken webbing will appear. Stressed plants suffer branch dieback and can become aesthetically challenged. Not quite sure if you’re seeing mite damage? Your local, licensed Davey tree service representative can help you decipher the clues.
Here’s some advice on keeping spider mite damage under control. Frequently inspect your plants and their leaves. Thoroughly cover both sides of the leaf with a proper product. Be aware that harsh products have resulted in spider mite outbreaks and may have adverse effects on predators. Once again, expert advice can help here – if you are unsure of the effectiveness or impact of any product, contact your local, licensed Davey tree service representative.
Contact your local certified arborist for a consultation if you are worried spider mites may be infecting your landscaping.

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Tetranychus urticae Koch
Appearance and Life History
Photo by J. Obermeyer
The two-spotted spider mite (TSM) is more closely related to spiders than to insects. There are thousands of species of mites. TSM is one of many phytophagous, or plant feeding species.
The TSM has four life stages; egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Under optimum conditions of high temperatures and low humidity, this mite can complete its development in 5 to 7 days. Under more normal temperatures and humidity, the generation interval is approximately 19 days. The following provides an overview of TSM life stages:
Egg - The spherical, shiny straw-colored eggs are very small. Webbing produced by the TSM, which helps fasten the eggs to the leaf surface, makes the eggs difficult to see. After an incubation period of from 3 (75°F or 24°C) to 19 (50°F or 10°C) days the eggs hatch.
Larva - The six-legged, colorless, larva resembles the body form of the nymph and adult. It is slightly larger than a TSM egg. During the larval stage, little food is consumed.
Nymph - The eight-legged nymph looks like an adult, but is ;smaller and not sexually mature. It goes through 2 nymphal stages, proto-nymph and deuto- nymph, before becoming an adult.
Adult - The adult female is eight-legged and about 1/60 inch (0.4 mm) long. The eight-legged male is only about 1/80 inch (0.3 mm) long. Their color varies from pale yellow to green to orange to brown. When viewed from above, they appear to have 2 pigmented spots, which are actually contents of the gut showing through the body wall. A female TSM will lay from 50 to 100 eggs during her lifetime. Unfertilized eggs develop into males, fertilized eggs into females. The sex ratio can vary considerably, but is usually female-biased.
The adult TSM overwinters in non-crop and weedy areas such as grassy waterways, roadsides, weeds, set-aside acres, and pastures. As temperatures warm in the spring, TSM begins feeding on common hosts such as clover, chickweed, and various grasses. Mating and egg laying soon follow and continue throughout the mite's lifespan. The time required to go through a generation is shortened by hot temperatures. Populations may increase significantly if high temperatures are associated with dry conditions. Dry conditions can reduce naturally occurring pathogenic fungi (primarily Neozygites sp.) and predators that normally keep TSM populations at non-economic levels.
Photo by Kansas State University
TSM feeds by piercing leaf cell walls with its mouthparts and sucking out the cell's contents. These cells become non-functional, thus the damage is considered irreversible (no longer contributing to plant growth and development). However, this does not mean that plants are unable to produce new leaf growth if conditions conducive to plant development improve.
In the early stages of TSM activity on corn, the feeding damage may not appear to be as pronounced as on soybean. The typical 'V' or 'U' pattern of infestation is either lacking or is not visible since initial feeding occurs on the lower leaves and is somewhat obscured by the larger upper leaves. As with soybean, the damage in corn will begin near TSM overwintering sites. Depending on the severity of the feeding, symptoms may include some leaf yellowing to brown leaves and a general decline in plant growth. The damage may be enhanced by poor growing conditions and/or soil compaction.
Upon closer inspection of TSM-infested plants, the leaves appear mottled or 'sand blasted.' Although TSM damage on corn can be very severe in the western Midwest, corn has not been severely impacted by the TSM in the eastern Midwest. Outbreaks of TSM have been noted where corn has been treated with some insecticides and fungicides. These pesticides, although not normally toxic to TSM, greatly reduced the numbers of predators and pathogens that normally keep TSM populations in check.
2 Spot Spider Mites
Sampling Method
If hot, dry conditions persist for several weeks, watch for leaf discoloration (yellowing) especially along the field borders or near grassy areas within fields. Carefully inspect these areas for the presence of TSM. Shake some discolored leaves over a white piece of paper. Watch for small dark specks moving about on the paper. Also look for minute webbing on the undersides of the discolored leaves. These are sure signs of TSM activity.
Before considering control, it is very important that TSM are identified as the source of the problem since other crop stresses can cause leaf yellowing, such as diseases, herbicides, nutrient deficiencies, excessive moisture, or insects such as thrips. Once TSM has been positively identified in the damaged areas of the field, it is essential that the whole field be scouted to determine the range of the infestation. Sample at least 5 different areas of the field and determine whether TSM are present by shaking leaves over a piece of paper. If plant discoloration is noted, estimate the average percentage leaf discoloration for the plants within the damaged area. Repeat this procedure in other areas showing damage. Usually the areas that show discoloration first are those areas that are already stressed from factors such as poorly productive soils (sand or clay knobs, etc.) and/or soil compaction.
2 Spot Spider Mite
Management Guidelines

Corn Insect Control Recommendations:E-series 219-W (PDF)
Control may be necessary when 15% to 20% of the leaf area is covered with TSM colonies, moderate damage is noted, and hot, dry conditions are expected to continue. The greatest benefit from control normally occurs when miticides are applied from the pre-tassel through the soft dough stages of plant development. It is unlikely that the application of a control will be cost effective once the dent stage of plant development is reached. Thorough coverage of corn leaves with a miticide is difficult, but necessary for TSM control.
Two Spotted Spider Mite Photo
If control is necessary, contact your state Cooperative Extension Service or click here for control materials and rates.